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We have an amazing group of servant leaders who are passionate about Christ and his church.
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Josh Baer | Lead Pastor
Kristie Baer | Ladies & Events

Josh assumed the pastorate of Cramerton Church in 2015 after serving as the Associate Pastor for ten years. He is passionate about reaching people for Christ and equipping them for lifelong growth and service in the body of Christ.


Kristie has served Cramerton Church and CCA since 2005. She oversees our ladies ministries and special events. She also manages the church office and is part of the adjunct faculty of CCA.


Josh & Kristie have three children: Meredith (& Caleb), Jackson and Madison.


Josh's Education

  • Bachelor of Arts - Southeastern FWB College

  • Master of Ministry - Bob Jones University

  • Specialist in Ministry - Bob Jones University

  • D.Min (in progress) - Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary

Kristie's Education

  • Associate in Business - Southeastern FWB College

  • Bachelor of Arts - Southeastern FWB College

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Aaron Pendergraft | Worship Pastor

Aaron joined our team in the summer of 2015. He faithfully leads the music departments of Cramerton Church and CCA. He is passionate about leading people to worship God and serve him with their lives.


Aaron is married to Jessica, and they have three children: Kylie, Kenzie, and Korie.


Aaron's Education

  • Bachelor of Arts - Southeastern FWB College

  • Master of Worship Studies - Liberty University


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Marcos Osuna | Family Pastor

Marcos joined our staff in July of 2021 as Family Pastor and Teen Pastor. He has been in ministry for 13 years serving as an associate pastor and youth pastor. Marcos is passionate about growing families in the gospel and helping the next generation serve Christ and his church. Marcos has been heavily involved in regional events designed to impact today's youth: Youth Aflame, ULEAD (started by Marcos), and Snowed In Retreat (started by Marcos).


Marcos is married to Melissa, and they have two children: Kenley and Kade.


Marcos' Education

  • Bachelor of Arts - Southeastern FWB College

  • Master of Arts in Theological Studies (in progress) - Liberty University

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Jonathon Cribb | Children's Pastor

Jonathon joined our staff in May of 2021 after serving as our Intern for several summers in college. He helps lead our Kids Church, teaches Bible and serves as AD at CCA, and coaches soccer and basketball in the school. Jonathon is passionate about helping kids follow Jesus and grow in their faith.

Jonathon is married to Leslie.


Jonathon's Education

  • Bachelor of Arts - Southeastern FWB College

  • Master of Arts in Theology & Ministry - Welch College


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Kyle Brown | Member Care

Kyle has served Cramerton Church and CCA for over thirty years. He retired at the end of 2021, but he still assists with providing congregational care to our membership and leads our Happy Hearts senior group. He is passionate about watching people grow in their faith and serve Christ with their lives.


Kyle is married to Karen, and they have two daughters (Jessica and Melinda) and five granddaughters.


Kyle's Education

  • Bachelor of Arts - Welch College

  • Master of Science - Pensacola Christian College


Marcos Osuna Sr | Iglesia Hispana Cramerton

Marcos Sr moved to Cramerton in the winter of 2022. He and his wife Irma launched our Hispanic Ministry, Iglesia Hispana Cramerton, in the spring of 2023. God has used them both to win people to Christ, reach families for Jesus, and establish a Spanish speaking congregation as part of our church family.


Marcos Sr and Irma have two children (Paulina and Marcos) and four grandchildren.


Marcos Sr's Education

  • Bachelor of Theology - Summit Bible College

  • Master of Theology - Summit Bible College

  • Doctor of Divinity - Summit Bible College


Irma's Education

  • Bachelor of Theology - Summit Bible College

  • Master of Theology - Summit Bible College

  • Doctor of Divinity - Summit Bible College


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CRAMERTON FWB CHURCH   |   426 WOODLAWN AVE, CRAMERTON, NC 28032   |   704.824.2840
Sunday Worship @ 10:30 AM   |   Sunday Life Groups @ 9:30 AM   |   Wednesday Prayer Meeting @ 6:30 PM
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